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What's included in the mobile pet spa service?
in Holladay, UT
Deep conditioning bath ​
Teeth brushing ​
Ear cleaning (plucking by request) ​
Natural shampoos ​
Hand drying ​
Nail cutting and smoothing
Haircut and a brush out ​
Bandana or bowtie ​
Spritz of doggy cologne (with your permission)
Grooming details.

Each dog receives individualize grooming plan. We take into consideration the condition of skin and hair type before deciding what haircut and products will work best.
With a mobile pet groomer, there is no need to stand in traffic or wait hours to pick your dog back up from the groomers. In just a short time your dog is groomed right in your driveway. It really doesn't get much more convenient than that.
Traveling dog groomer in Holladay, UT is the best way to get your pup groomed.
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